Creative Travel Plan
In Time We Travel
Notebook Four
Notebook - Volume 4
Incidents, Events, Extracts from My Travel Diary

Includes Journalistic Drafts and Excerpts - with Links to Chapters in the novel


Follow along as I discover amazing locations where the protagonists encounter threats at every turn in their pursuit of bringing Julian Lord Xzion to justice..
How I found my way to the Quaint Original Floating Market
Accepted generous offer by a Chinese couple to take me to Amphawa in their car.
I returned by longtail after an exploring the Amphawa klong where I investigated further the locations that could provide stimulus for imaginary places in story advancement.
Second time I visited I returned by Songthaew and jumped on the train back to Samut Sakhon.
Chatted with young adventurers from a Korean tourist group who had climbed aboard the train and traveled from Samut Songkhram for a portion of the trip to experience the fascinating train ride. A bunch of minibuses were waiting for them at a crossing where they disembarked.
This is a regular attribute of some tour companies to give a taste of an aspect of travel without the particular full trip. It is available also on the River Kwai Bridge train towards Nam Tok where tourist travel between four or so stations for a similar experience.
Further concepts developed. The spearfish escape and disastrous surge downriver until eliminated.
From Samut Sakhon I continued on the train to Bangkok.
Includes Journalistic Drafts and Excerpts - with Links to Chapters in the novel
Megan gets Active in Finding the Facility
No-one knows the ocean. Not in its dark mood. Nor Megan when inside herself. Dark turmoil. Rage on a short leash. Explosive. She keeps it hidden. It flickers occasionally. It isn’t time yet. But it could happen at any moment…
She jumped to her feet and flung the drapes open, blinking as the glare of the sun hit her again, now back in the south. The weariness had evaporated despite the perspiration that streamed from her in the hot room. Flicking the fan to high again, she took another quick splattering from the torrent of water in the shower, then half dried herself with the now very wet and thin towel. ‘Hang in there Anna, I’m coming,’ she said as she jammed the map and her few accoutrements and a hotel-supplied water bottle into the backpack. She struggled still damp into her underwear and with an effort pulled the t-shirt over her head.
She dragged her shorts on and was still clipping the belt as she ran the length of the passage.
* * * *
The tour bus was pulling away from the kerb. Megan ran after it squelching in her sodden runners, both hands in the air waving. It accelerated and was turning onto the highway. At the last second, the driver glimpsed her in the rear vision mirror and swung back to the footpath.
The tour guide stepped out and greeted her as she rushed up, her bag bouncing on her hip. ‘I’d like to…’ She caught her breath in short gasps, ‘come with you now,’ she managed to say, resting back against the tour minibus for a moment before being ushered up the step. The air-conditioner blasted her with cold air At the rear of the bus a swarthy guy in coveralls hauled a phone from his pocket and made a call. Shortly the bus pulled to the kerb and the man climbed off. His tool box rattled against the seats and smell of grease lingered as he squeezed past Megan and the guide
She talks with the tour guide as they travel…
‘You lucky catch bus. Have motor problem… late depart. Longtime fix.’
* * * *
[Why did she choose to join the group? Why did the tour leader allow this? What did she gain or did Megan have some charm or was there someone on the bus that persuaded the guide. They expected her?]
The salt pans glimmered white and stretched along the roadside. The glow in the pearl intensified.
I have returned to Samut Songkhram again after visiting the Mouth of the Maiklong. Arriving back by motorcycle taxi I proceeded to the train station from where I will attempt to find the bus depot with the info on various websites.
It is 2pm and I have now walked to where I thought it would be, and sure enough there is a line of blue utilities or Songthaews in front of me not far from the 7/11 shop. Inquiring of the one to Amphawa I climb aboard and am greeted immediately by a friendly lady who after initial chit-chat she tells me she has a homestay at Amphawa. I say, Perfect.
Songthaew Taxis to Amphawa
The second time I found the Songthaew taxis and in the buffetting fresh air took the 20 min ride to Amphawa and being presented with superb accommodation at a homestay

Excerpt: "The Singapore Stone" Draft
Megan Caused a Major Impact
Wdnesday 12th September 2017
Megan's arrival at the Facility at the lower end of the Amphawa Klong. She is intimidated into releasing Anna -but fails.
What would she do next?
Singapore Stone -Draft
Bus to Amphawa but diverted by surveillance team.
Feast with Dignitaries
Grand function with dignitaries where Nick broaches his perimeters.
Megan Confronts Julian
Megan has arrived at Julian’s mansion on the river. She has not seen Anna as yet. She has contacted Axiom in Singapore. They have an office in Orchard Rd.
She is treated luxuriantly: . She plays along to delay. Anything to get Stacy out of the Sphere. But the Om factor?
Julian is desperate to see it through even if Anna dies. Anna is resolute. She will stay even if she is to be terminated.
‘Come and visit your friend,’ said Julian. She has chosen rather spectacular accommodation. So far she’s not engaging premium and personal room service. Maybe you can persuade her to taste the selection of opulence and treats we provide to unique and special guests.
‘The treats you are offering are obviously not to her taste and her support for your futile plan is markedly absent,’ replied Megan.
Megan defies Julian and demands he release Anna.
She is taken on a tour of the “Device.” At the top of the machine she speaks with Anna for the last time.
She is dragged away fighting, tears.

Date :
Initial Impression: Fascinating and Quirky Homestay
I had walked from the Songthaew stop.
Crossing the abrupt rise of the bridge over the klong seems like a fitting approach to this fascinating retreat.

Megan challenges Julian further -Draft
Discuss over a meal.
Julian is becoming desperate.
He stomps the length of the hall, descends the staircase where the guests all turn their heads, puzzled at the noisy clatter as Julian slams his cane on the bannisters.
He sees Megan by the drinks cabinet and shoulders the partying crowds aside with annoyance until he confronts her. He is raging, frothing at the mouth.
You have a choice you know.
I will use this. He grabs the artifact in a firm grip and pulls her towards himself. The chain is unbreakable with her resolve not to give it to him. It bites into her neck – hard. She winces with the pain. The artifact spins and slices into his hand, searing heat burns through his fingers. A splattering of light. He drops it. Holds his stinging hand.
‘It’s a nasty burn you have there…and you’re bleeding,’ says Megan regaining her balance, ‘you should put something on it.’ She carefully wipes Julian’s blood from the amulet with her white lace handkerchief and drops the now red-stained handkerchief to the floor. Slipping the pendant inside her blouse she retains her hold of it. She changes her mind and places it outside her clothing where it hangs taunting in Julians’ face.
Foaming at the mouth Julian stares at it as he snatches a a serviette from a cringing waiter and wraps his hand in the cloth. He splutters, his words a splattering of confetti. He tells her he will restart the machine with her friend still inside. Anna will suffer for refusing to come out. Anna verified her unique persona when Megan spoke with her in the sphere.
‘We’ll see who wins out here, you smart little bitch,’ and stomped from room scattering servants with a frenzied roar.

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Creative Travel Plan
Great Ideas In Travel
Beyond Time Restraints